Let's Chat

Aunt Lottie's Site is best viewed at 800x600 dpi.

Aunt Lottie's is an adventurous site.  Aunt Lottie's house contains plenty of rooms you can investigate.  Each room contains 4 walls.  Each wall is a web page.  To enter and leave a room you need to find the wall with the door and click on the doorknob.  To maneuver from wall to wall use the arrow keys as shown below.

 To Turn Left    To Turn Right

The radio can be clicked on to access different music.  If you click on the radio and aren't able to hear anything, Crescendo can be downloaded to solve that dilemma.  If it doesn't matter to you then you are peachy keen as is.

Link To Lottie's Floor PlanClick on this house and it will take you to the floor plans of Lottie's Place.

Throughout Aunt Lottie's site you will see framed pictures on her walls.  Click on the picture if you would like to view it.

Each wall has different links attached to different objects.

Please click here  if you would like to go to the Photo Gallery.

Please click here  if you would like to go to the Scrapbook.

Please click here  if you would like to see what is the latest at Lottie's.

Please click here  if you would like to see the latest at Lottie's Line Weekly Newsletter.

Are you ready to go inside?
Let's head to Lottie's Front Porch